Dr Reckeweg
Guna Oral Remedies for Depression
- GUNA MOOD (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
GUNA FEM (for women) (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60
- GUNA MALE (For Men) (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- GUNA BOWEL (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- ANTI AGE STRESS (3 pellets twice a day for 30-60 days)
- GUNA NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) Severe Depression
Guna Bach Flower Remedies
You can take up to 5 Flowerplex remedies at the same time - in addition to other remedies.
Heel Oral Remedies
Here are the homeopathic remedies for Depression.
- Ignatia Injeel - To relieve Symptoms. Continue till symptoms are ended.
- Nervoheel if anxious as well as depressed & suffering from Insomnia
Possibly both preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
Additionally see:-
- China Homaccord or Drops- Conditions of exhaustion, debility and fatigue.
- Colocynthis-Homaccord for the consequences of anger
- Nux vomica-Homaccord (depressed mood after alcoholic excesses)
- Neurexan - if depression is due to over stimulation from eg work
- Veratrum - to counteract depression from alcohol
- Detox Kit - Drainage & Detoxification. This will always be required as stress and anxiety create toxic residues.
- CoEnzyme Compositum - for Regulation of Cellular Tissue & Organ Support. Repeat this remedy in cycles
- Klimakt-heel - neurosis at menopausal time.
- Selenium Homaccord - Fatigue, weariness, due to overwork
- Valerianaheel - Restless, disturbed Sleep. Take 10 - 15 drops several times before going to sleep.
Heel Ampoule Therapy
- Neuro-Injeel - For Depressive Conditions, Psychosomatic Diseases - on Mondays
- Ignatia-Injeel - Depression alternating with neurosis.
- Gelsemium-Homaccord - Anxiety,Stupor, Inability to think.
- Tonico Injeel - Severe Depression with burnout - Thursdays
- Cerebrum Compositum - for Regulation of Cellular Tissue & Organ Support.. Repeat this remedy in cycles.
- Hepar compositum - liver support
- Coenzyme compositum at intervals
It is vitally important that depression is recognized and helped. The earlier the better. The love of living and joy which we are entitled to feel everyday needs to be remembered.
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Don't wait. Depression and Anxiety can really hit in and become a long term problem without you even realizing what is happening.