
Dr. Reckeweg R26 - Drops, 50ml (Draining & Stimulating)


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Indications: Stimulates the defensive mechanism of the enfeebled organism. Increased resistance obtained through the effectiveness of the following elements:

Dosage: Give the remedy once daily only in addition to other complexes: 10-15 drops in some water. falling a response upon administration of this remedy (R26) repeat it 2-3 time daily, 10-15 drops for a few days. The old remedy or a new one (according to symptomatology) will be indicated after sulfur jod. Has brought about the desired effect.

Ingredients: Acid. Nitric. D12, Acid. Phosphoric. D12, Calcium jodatum D12, Ferrum jodatum D12, Sulfur jodatum D12, Ethanol, Aqua pur.

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