Dr. Reckeweg Remedies for Enuresis Nocturnal (bed wetting)
Heel Remedies for Enuresis Nocturnal (bed wetting)
(Nephrodermal impregnation phase)
- (Main remedies: Hormeel S, Plantago-Homaccord)
- Hormeel S 8-10 drops in the morning Plantago-Homaccord 8-10 drops at midday
- Reneel 1 tablet in the afternoon
- Nervoheel 1 tablet in the evening
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
If insufficient action is observed, a transfer should be made to a second prescription or there should be daily alternation between the two prescriptions,
i.e. with
- Lymphomyosot 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
- Calcoheel 1 tablet at 3 x a day.
- Hormeel S 8-10 3 x a day.
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
- Sabal-Homaccord, Berberis-Homaccord and Albumoheel S possibly interposed.
Ampoule / Injection Therapy
- Solidago compositum S (regulator of urine secretion)
- Testis compositum (for boys) or Ovarium compositum (for girls) alternating i.m.,
in place of these possibly on:-
- Mondays:- Hormeel S, Tonico-Injeel and Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel i.m.
- Thursdays:- Neuro-Injeel.
Additionally as intermediate remedies:-
- Testis suis-Injeel (for male patients), Hypothalamus suis-Injeel i.m.,Kreosotum-Injeel for wetting in the first sleep.
Possibly progressive auto-sanguis therapy with the preparations mentioned.
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