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Chronic Diseases

Chronic Diseases INDICATIONS
Coenzyme Compositum Stimulation of blocked enzymatic systems.  In metabolic disorders. Wasting diseases.
Ubichinon Compositum Reactivation of the blocked enzymatic systems. 
Lymphomyosot  Mesenchymal drainage.
Galium-Heel To activate the non-specific defense mechanisms, particularly in chronic diseases.
Belladonna Homaccord Inflammation. Congestion, fever. 
Apis Homaccord Edemas. Eczema.
Traumeel  Post-traumatic disorders. Inflammatory processes. 

Coronary Circulation System

Coronary Circulation System INDICATIONS
Cralonin Coronary circulation disorders. Myocardial impairment. Senile heart.
Cactus Compositum Coronary circulation therapy. Coronary insufficiency. 
Apis Homaccord Localized edemas.
Drosera Homaccord Whooping Cough.
Vertigoheel Various types of nausea. Kinetosis.

Digestive System

Digestive System INDICATIONS
Nux Vomica Homaccord Gastro-intestinal and hepatic disorders, spasms, diarrhea, constipation. 
Mucosa Compositum Spasms and pains.
Spascupreel  Spasms in hollow organs.
Veratrum Homaccord Gastroenteritis.
Belladonna Homaccord Inflammation, congestion, fever.
Carduus Compositum Hepatic disorders. Meteorism, lack of appetite. 
Chelidonium Homaccord Liver and gall bladder disorders. 
Hepar Compositum Hepatic disorders. Hepatitis, detoxification function of the liver. 
Diarrheel Acute and chronic diarrhea. 
Gastricumeel Gastritis.
Phosphor Homaccord Complaints of the
Mucosa Compositum Diseases of the mucous membranes. 


Cutis Compositum Different types of skin diseases.
Cerebrum Compositum Functional disorders of the epidermis. 
Schwef-Heel Dermatosis, especially irritant eczema. Pydermia, to stimulate the defense mechanisms. 
Lymphomyosot Edemas (postoperative and post-traumatic). Lymphatic drainage.
Galium-Heel Stimulates the non-specific defense mechanisms, especially in chronic diseases.
Coenzyme Compositum Degenerative diseases. Chronic eczema. 


Coenzyme Compositum Stimulation of blocked enzymatic systems. Metabolic disorders. Wasting diseases. 
Ubichinon Compositum Reactivation of the blocked enzymatic systems. 
Hepar Compositum Functional disorders of the lier.
Solidago Compositum Disorders of the kidneys and urinary tract. 

Musculoskeletal System

Musculoskeletal System INDICATIONS
Traumeel Post-traumatic injuries. Inflammatory processes.
Zeel Arthrosis. Degenerative articular complaints. 
Mucosa Compositum Spasms and painful conditions.
Spascupreel Spasms of the striated musculature. 
Discus Compositum Disorders of the joints. Osteochondritis.
Osteoheel Periostitis, exostosis. Growth disorders. Rickets.

Greater Defense System

Greater Defense System INDICATIONS
Engystol To activate the non-specific defense mechanisms. Viral diseases.
Echinacea Compositum Stimulates the body's own defenses. Bacterial diseases.
Galium-Heel Stimulates the non-specific defense mechanisms, especially in chronic diseases. 
Lymphomyosot Low resistance. Mesenchymal drainage. 
Coenzyme Compositum Degenerative diseases. Defective enzyme functions. 

Nervous System/Sensorical

Nervous System/Sensorical INDICATIONS
Valerianaheel As sedative in conditions of restlessness. Kinetosis.
Cerebrum Compositum Cerebral disorders.
Engystol Kinetosis caused by stress.
Vertigoheel Dizziness of various origins. Kinetosis.
Oculoheel Eye Drops Conjunctivitis, dry eyes.

Renal System

Reneel Inflammatory diseases in the region of the urinary passages, with and without lithiasis.
Cantharis Compositum Renal and vesicular disorders. Cystitis, nephritis. 
Mucosa Compositum Spasms and pains.
Spascupreel Spasms in hollow organs.
Mucosa Compositum DIseases of the mucous membranes. 

Reproductive System

Reproductive System INDICATIONS
Hormeel Endocrinal dysfunction.
Cerebrum Compositum Ovarian dysfunction
Lachesis Compositum Prevention and treatment of mastitis and metritis. 
Gynacoheel / Lilium Compositum Inflammatory processes of the female genital organs.
Apis Homaccord Localized edemas. Mammary edemas. 
Cantharis CompositumCompositum Irritation of the urogenital organs. Cystitis, nephritis.  
Mucosa Compositum Disorders of the mucous membranes. 

Respiratory System

Respiratory System INDICATIONS
Echinacea Compositum Stimulates the body's own defenses. Bacterial diseases.
Engystol Activates the non-specific defense mechanisms. Viral diseases. 
Belladonna Homaccord Inflammation. Congestion, fever.
Euphorbium Compositum Disorders of the upper respiratory tract.
Drosera Homaccord Whooping cough.
Mucosa Compositum DIseases of the mucous membranes. 
Mucosa Compositum Spasms and pains.
Spascupreel Muscular spasms.