Heel Remedies for Skin Mite / Scabies
- Schwef Heel 8-10 drops 3 times daily (principal remedy)
- Sulfur Heel 1 tablet 3 times daily
- Psorinoheel 8-10 drops 3 times daily
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
- Cruroheel S or Mercurius-Heel S when scratches have resulted in impetigination / Impetigo.
- Traumeel Drops / Traumeel Tablets if bacterial skin infection, as alternating remedy.
- Traumeel S ointment for the effects of scratching.
Ampoule Therapy
- Traumeel S and Hormeel S alternating or mixed.
- Graphites-Homaccord, Sulfur-Injeel S, Kreosotum-Injeel as after- treatment,
Also interpose:-
And additional Intermediate Remedies:-
- Coenzyme compositum and possibly Ubichinon compositum
possibly also
as well as
and, in particular:-
- Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxicating hepatic function),
- Thyreoidea compositum (powerful action on hormonal, and connective tissue functions).
- In addition, neoplasmatic phases frequently have retoxically treated scabies in the history background; in this case, also Para- Benzochinon-Injeel (forte).
Additional Notes
Even the scabies mites can develop only on suitable homo-toxic terrain with a possibly conditioned environment.
When they are killed, the corpses in the skin (acarus burrows) are decomposed and absorbed, to which, obviously, the retoxication in the form of psoriasis (Hahnemann) is to be attributed.
To Heal the skin in addition:-
- The precondition for this is strict adherence to a toxin-free diet,
plus daily baths with
- Soft soap / Sulphur Soap / Tea Tree oil soap, and scrubbing the affected parts with a stiff brush.
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