Pneumonopathy (Disease of the Lungs) / eosinophilic Homeopathic Remedies

Heel Remedies for Pneumonopathy / Eosinophilic / Diseases of the Lungs

  • Lymphomyosot 8-10 drops 3 times a day or tablets - 1 tablet 3 times a day.

possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.

  • Bryaconeel for fresh cases, 1 tablet 3-6 times daily.
  • Tartephedreel for coughs and catarrh, 8-10 drops 3-6 times daily.
  • Aesculus compositum as intermediate remedy (exercises a stimulating action on the peripheral circulation, thereby removing infiltrations from the connective tissue).

Ampoule Therapy

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