Guna Remedies for Psychic Mental Symptoms
- GUNA-CELL (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- GUNA-MATRIX (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- GUNABRAIN 1 tablet twice a day; systemic supporting therapy
- COLOSTRONONI: 1 sachet twice a day
- GUNABASIC: 1 sachet a day for at least 15 days (cycles can be repeated)
Heel Remedies for Psychic Mental Symptoms
(Psychosomatic affections and alterations or psychosomatically superimposed illnesses, mainly impregnation phases of the neuroderm) (Memory)
- Nervoheel (basic therapeutical agent for depression, melancholia, psychosomatic disorders, tearfulness, climacteric neurosis).
- China-Homaccord S (conditions of exhaustion and debility with fatigue).
- Gelsemium-Homaccord (conditions of anxiety, stupor with inability to think).
- Ignatia-Homaccord (depression alternating with (hypo)mania, contentiousness, climacteric neurosis, globus hystericus).
- Klimakt-Heel (neurosis on a climacteric basis).
- Psorinoheel (depression with the onset of hebephrenia / Schizophrenia
- Selenium Homaccord (neurasthenia, fatigue, weariness, consequences of mental overwork).
- Valerianaheel (biological soporific, restlessness and sleeplessness). 10-15 drops of the preparation must be taken several times possibly on a lump of sugar (every 5 min. until the patient falls asleep).
- Ypsiloheel (basic therapeutical agent for all symptoms indicative of vegetative dystonia).
Ampoule Therapy
- Cerebrum compositum (principal remedy),
otherwise also
- Aconitum-Injeel (forte) S for conditions of acute fear of death, psychotic symptoms resulting from fright and anger.
- Agnus castus-Injeel for depression with thoughts of death, hypochondria.
- Antimonium crudum-Injeel for sullenness, sadness and melancholy.
- Argentum nitricum-Injeel for obsession, neurosis.
- Arsenicum album-Injeel for hopelessness, midnight exacerbation with all disorders, exhaustion, restlessness, anxiety.
- Aurum-Injeel as basic therapeutic agent for melancholy, weariness of life and depression; religious mania, inner haste and restlessness, paroxysms of rage.
- Belladonna-Injeel (forte) S for delusional ideas, hallucinations.
- China-Homaccord S for exhaustion and debility with fatigue.
- Coffea-Injeel for hypersensitivity, sleeplessness, psychotic symptoms resulting from sudden joy.
- Colocynthis-Injeel (forte) S for general irritability, psychotic symptoms resulting from anger or rage.
- Gelsemium-Homaccord for conditions of anxiety, stupor with inability to think.
- Gelsemium-Injeel (forte) S for anxiety about the future, headaches.
- Ignatia-Homaccord for depression alternating with (hypo)mania, contentiousness, climacteric neurosis, globus hystericus.
- Ignatia-Injeel (forte) S for tendency towards weeping, pavor nocturnus, (night terror.)
- Natrium muriaticum-Injeel for psychotic symptoms as a result of illnesses, irritation.
- Neuro-Injeel for depression with psychosomatic affections; melancholy climacteric neurosis.
- Nux vomica-Injeel (forte) S for condition worsening in the morning, difficulty in sleeping right through the night; outbursts of anger which do no harm but which are a means to an end.
- Phosphorus-Injeel (forte) S for anxiety always to have done something or everything wrongly.
- Psorinoheel for depression resulting from chronic grief.
- Pulsatilla-Injeel (forte) S for condition worsening in the evening improved by talking to the patient; changeable, erratic disorders without organic findings; pre-menstrual worsening.
- Selenium-Homaccord for neurasthenia, fatigue, weariness, the results of mental overwork.
- Sepia-Injeel for worsening of condition morning and evening, depression and exhaustion, fatigue and general weariness.
- Staphisagria-Injeel for irritability, anger, hypersensitivity, psychotic symptoms resulting from persistent suffering (including of an occupational nature), outbreaks of anger due to pessimism (enraged without reason).
- Stramonium-Injeel (forte) for garrulous delirium, anxiety, hallucinations, conditions of excitation, hydrophobia, fear of being poisoned.
- Sulfur-Injeel (forte) S for delusions of grandeur, religious mania, difficulty in falling asleep, outbursts of anger followed by regret.
- Tonico-Injeel for neurasthenia resulting from physical debility or conditions of exhaustion, vegetative dystonia, “manager’s disease”.
- Valeriana-Injeel (forte) for psychotic and delirious conditions, violence.
- Coenzyme compositum and Ubichinon compositum (defective enzymatic functions), otherwise also Hepar compositum (detoxicating hepatic function),
- Testis compositum (men)
- Ovarium compositum (women) as intermediate remedies. *
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