Dr Reckeweg Combination Tissue Salts - BC-22
Lymphadenitis, abscess.
Lymphadenitis is an inflammatory condition of the lymph nodes. The nodes may be enlarged, hard, smooth or irregular, red and may feel hot.
An abscess is characterized by any cavity containing pus and surrounded by inflamed tissue, formed as a result of suppuration in a localized infection. Healing usually occurs when an abscess is drained or is incised. An internal or deep tissue abscess is usually drained by means of a sinus tract that connects it to the surface. Both abscesses and lymphadenitis may be caused by bacterial infection.
Dosage of Combination Salts:
Suggested dosage for Children and Adolescents:
- 0 to 1 year: 1 tablet
- 1 to 6 years: 2 tablets
- 6 to 10 years: 3 tablets
- 10 years and older: 4 tablets
Acute cases: In general, administered every 15 minutes, half-hour, hourly or in 2-hour intervals, as required, depending on the intensity of the symptoms.
Subacute cases: 3-4 times a day for a relatively extended period of time.
Chronic cases: 2-3 times a day for a relatively extended period of time.
Infants: 1 tablet at a time, dissolved in some warm water.
More than one salt can be taken concurrently; use in alteration.
Combination salt tablets should be allowed to dissolve under the tongue. Note: The salts are lactose based (milk and sugar)
Composition: Calcarea Phosphorica 3X, Ferrum Phosphoricum 3X, Kali Muriaticum 3X, Silicea 6X
Calcarea Phosphorica 3X: This remedy is indicated in diseases with exhaustive discharges, such as abscesses, through its great power on the secretions, in which it acts curactively. Lymphatic glandular enlargements.
Ferrum Phosphoricum 3X: This would be one of the first remedies to use for the pain, heat and threatened suppuration of abscesses.
Kali Muriaticum 3X: Ideal remedy for the early stages of abscesses and where there is any swelling, but as yet no pus formation. It is the chief remedy in glandular swellings. This salt addresses the symptoms of fibrinous and lymph exudations, in the interstitial, enlarged cervical glands. Swelling but no pus formation.
Silicea 6X: This biochemic salt helps abscesses to ripen and to rapidly discharge its contents. It is indicated when suppuration appears. Enlarged suppurating glands, especially of the cervical glands. Discharges and excretions and offensive.