Reckeweg Remedies for Tachycardia
Heel Remedies for Tachycardia, Paroxysmal
- Cardiacum-Heel - Can be Used for continuous treatment:
- Belladonna-Homaccord:- 8 -10 drops 3 times a day.
- Aurumheel N drops- 8 -10 drops 3 times a day.
- Gastricumeel 1 tablet in the afternoon
- Psorinoheel 8 -10 drops 3 times a day.
- Cardiacum-Heel for disorders, in frequent doses, 1 tablet to be dissolved on the tongue every 5 to 10 min., otherwise with the above preparations.
- Glonoin-Homaccord N drops for throbbing palpitations as alternating remedy.
- Galium-Heel at intervals.
- Rhododendroneel S for nocturnal restlessness (dependency on the weather).
- Strophanthus compositum tablets (action on the heart), in chronic cases
Ampoule Therapy
- Engystol N and Angio- Injeel as mixed ampoule therapy.
- Erigotheel for gastric symptoms (white-coated tongue), in this case also
- Arsenicum album-Injeel (forte) S for burning cardiac pains, anxiety and restlessness.
- Lycopodium-Injeel (forte) S, possibly also Hepeel to stimulate the detoxicating hepatic function.
- Cactus-Injeel or Cactus compositum for cardiac spasms, conditions of anxiety, palpitations.
- Rhododendron-Injeel for sensitivity to the weather, possibly with
- Strophanthus compositum tablets (action on the heart), in chronic cases
possibly alsoand particularly
- Hepar compositum (stimulation of the detoxicating hepatic function),
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