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Connective Tissue - Homeopathic Remedies

Guna Remedies to Support Connective

The following remedies which together will all be working on the Connective Tissue -  6 Remedies in total.

    Drainage / Detoxification Remedies

    Heel Remedies to Support Connective Tissue

    Listed below are a number of remedies to support the connective tissue.

    Adeps suillus-Injeel

    Adeps Suillus-Injeel is for:-

    • Disorders occurring after consumption of animal fats (particularly lard), cholesterolemia / hypercholesterolemia.
    • Connective tissue blocking effect, adiposis, acne vulgaris; seborrhoea; acute and chronic eczema, biliary colic, blepharitis, hordeolums, chalazions / eyelid cysts.
    • Disorders arising from homotoxins, released through e.g  loss of weight, including, for example, too rapid slimming, fasting, dehydrating treatment, as a result of the massive deposition of adipose tissue (deposition phase) in the Lymphatic ducts and blood stream (intermediary decomposition toxins).

     Solidago Compositum & Lymphomyosot & Tonsilla

    alternating at intervals (stimulation of the kidneys and function of the connective tissue to flush out oedema),

    possibly also

     Calcium Fluoratum-Injeel

    Calcium Fluoratum-Injeel is for:-

    • Weakness of the connective tissue - e.g.with sagging organs and limp veins; caries of the bone, fistulae of the bone, development of exostosis, glandular swelling (of stony hardness).

     Funiculus umbilicalis suis-Injeel forte

    Funiculus Umbilicalis Suis-Injeel Forte

    • Remedy for affections of the connective tissue indicated in almost all chronic diseases.
    • Damaged connective tissue, adhesions, osteochondrosis (aseptic ischemic necrosis), premature aging, formation of wrinkles, adynamia (lack of strength / vigor), arteriosclerosis, cervical syndrome, coxitis, diverticulitis, chronic colitis, lupus erythematosus, collagen diseases, scleroderma, fibromas, vascular disorders, geriatric Indications of all kinds, glaucoma, circulatory disorders, vegetative dystonia, radiation damage, duodenal ulcers et ventriculi, pruritus vulvae, psoriasis, sarcoma and carcinoma,
    • auto-aggression diseases, damage through antibiotics and therapeutics, general therapeutical damage, scrofulosis, otosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, muscular atrophy, intervertebral neuralgia, neurodermatitis, oedema, marasmus, cachexia, Iymphogranulomatosis, myopia, acne rosacea, decubitus (open sore / ulcer), dermatitis, dystropia adiposogenitalis, elephantiasis, emphysema, exostosis, cirrhosis of the liver, tendovaginitis,
    • hydrocele,auxiliary remedy for myxoedema, urethral stricture, fissura ani, prolapse of the uterus, erythema exudativum multiforme et nodosum, Bechterew’s disease, myositis ossificans, osteomalacia.

    The preparation should always be combined with suitable biotherapeutical agents and other suis-organ preparations, eg:-

    • (Hypophysis suis-Injeel,-  (pituitary gland):- Hormonal disturbances, disorders of the connective tissue function.

    and in particular with:-

    • Galium-Heel Drops or Ampoules, - Apis mellifica (honey bee) in Galium:- Oedema, exerts a channelling action on the connective tissues.

     and especially also with the:

    • intermediary catalysts of the citric acid cycle, for the purpose of achieving particularly powerful action also with the Composita-Heel, etc.).
    • Funiculus umbilicalis suis:- Impairment of the connective tissues, arteriosclerosis, circulatory disorders. Stimulation factor, damage to connective tissues,

    Discus / Kalmia Compositum

    • Affections of the joints and connective tissue, e.g. arthritis, arthrosis, periarthritis, affections of the tendons and ligaments, of the periosteum and connective tissue of the vessels;

    Lymphomyosot & Apis Homaccord

    • Lymphomyosot Drops, Tablets or Ampoules for canalization of the connective tissue, especially for periphlebitic symptoms or those similar to elephantiasis with induration of the connective tissue.


      • Based on the individual homeopathic constituents of Natrium-Homaccord, therapeutic possibilities result for the treatment of signs of degeneration of skin tissue, mucous membranes and connective tissues;
      • chronic nasal and pharangeal catarrh as well as rhinitis and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose.


      • Osteoheel S is excellent because of its very wide range of indications and can be interposed in the most varied phases, especially in diseases of the connective tissues,
      • a tendency towards degeneration. damaged connective tissues with deposition phases at the locus of the damage), e.g. gelatinous infiltration of the periosteum, etc.,
      • treatment of diseases, of various origins, of the bones, cartilage and connective tissue, particularly ostealgia. (bone Pain)

      Placenta Compositum Aesculus Compositum

      • Placenta compositum is, the parenteral preparation for Aesculus compositum, and should be administered in combination with this, not only for disturbances of the peripheral circulation as in smoker’s legs and arteriosclerotic deficiency phenomena of the mental capacity, but also for migraine,

      possibly also for

      • mastodynia as well as for various skin diseases, in order to relieve the connective tissues more rapidly from deposition phase homotoxins.

      Pulsatilla Compositum

      • Based on the individual homeopathic constituents of Pulsatilla compositum, therapeutic possibilities result for the stimulation of the defensive system, especially the connective tissue function;
      • n particular also, to increase the action, of biological injection preparations (mixed injections), e.g. of Nosodes, for the treatment of cancer as well as for the therapy of cellular phases in general, also to be used experimentally in the treatment of virus diseases (in addition to, or alternating with Engystol N Tablets or Ampoules and Thyreoidea compositum);
      •  Activation of the mesenchymal defensive system. Stimulation of the defensive system, in particular the function of connective tissues, for the increase in efficacy of biological preparations for injection and for the therapy of cellular phases, reactivating of damaged defensive systems, also postoperative.

      Rhus Toxicodendron and in Zeel

      • Rheumatism and neuralgia, worse in cold, wet weather; poly-arthritis, diseases of the mucosa and connective tissues.

       Silicea Injeel / Discus Compositum / Zeel

      • Silicea – in Discus:- Weakness of the connective tissues and constitutional debility.
      • Silicea Injeel and Zeel Ampoules or Tablets:-  Remedy for affections of the connective tissue. Weakness and impairment of the connective tissues; weakness of the ligaments.

      Thyreoidea compositum / Glandula Para Thyreoidea Suis Injeel

      • Thyreoidea compositum - revitalizing effect through stimulation of the hormonal and connective tissue functions

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