Guna Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Vulgaris
- GUNA FLAM (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days).
- GUNA LIVER (3-5 pellets 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- GUNA FEM (Female) (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- GUNA MALE (Male) (10 drops 3 times a day for 30-60 days)
- GUNA ANTI AGE PEL 4 (3 pellets 2 times a day for 30-60 days)
For topical use:
- TAMANU ARNICA (a thin coat of cream on the affected areas twice a day)
Guna Additional Remedies if Required
- GUNABASIC: 1 sachet a day for at least 15 days (cycles can be repeated);
- PROFEM: 1 sachet per day between meals.
Acne eBook on Remedies and Protocol
Heel Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Vulgaris
- Traumeel S 1 tablet 3 x a day.
- Cruroheel S 1 tablet 3 x a day.
possibly the above preparations 2-4-6 times daily, taken together.
If an Outburst then take the above every 15 minutes for 2 hours.
Externally Apply
Then apply to the whole area affected twice a day:-
- Then Traumeel Drops on Individual Spots
Heel - Additional Remedies
- Schwef-Heel (for all skin diseases)
- Hormeel S (regulator of the endocrine glands)
- Selenium-Homaccord (acne conglobata)
- Psorinoheel (constitutional remedy, for unpleasant skin odour)
- Ceanothus-Homaccord (bluish-red nodules)
- Aesculus compositum (peripheral circulation)
- Syzygium compositum (diabetes mellitus, disturbances of the sugar balance)
Spots which have been squeezed out should be thoroughly rubbed immediately with a wad of cotton wool soaked in Traumeel S Drops & applied thinly.
Ampoule Therapy
every two days alternating.
in serious cases possibly
- Tonsilla compositum (stimulation of the defense system).
- Hepar compositum (hepatic function) once weekly i.m., in parallel Hepeel, alternating with Injeel-Chol once weekly.
- Hepar sulfuris-Injeel (skin odours reminiscent of stale cheese)
- Sulfur-Injeel S for all skin diseases).
- Ledum-Injeel for for acne pustulosa (pus in spots.)
- Psorinum-Injeel (unpleasant body odour).
- Selenium-Injeel (acne conglobata).
- Adeps suillus-lnjeel as nosodes - intermediate remedies..
- Psorinum-Injeel and Psorinoheel (chronic acne).
- Anthracinum-Injeel (forte) for burning pains and bluish-red ulcerations (Lachesis-Injeel S).
- Testis compositum (regulation of the hormone functions in males)
- Ovarium compositum (for females).
- Cerebrum compositum (regulation of the central vegetative control).
- Colon suis-Injeel (regulation of the intestinal function and intestinal flora).
- Vesica fellea suis-Injeel (stimulation of bile excretion).
Additional Notes
Get the basics right:-
- Drink Water 12 glasses a day
- No Sugar or foods containing Sugar (Read the Labels)
Face Scrubs
No Scrubs which can so easily over stimulate the skin
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