Heel Remedies for Polyps
- Barijodeel (nasal polyps) 1 tablet 3 x a day.
- Hormeel 8-10 drops 3 x a day.
possibly the above preparations taken together 2-4-6 times daily.
- Graphites-Homaccord and Galium Heel from time to time interposed as intermediate remedies (weekly).
- Naso-Heel S for nasal polyps as intermediate remedy.
- Calcoheel and possibly Lymphomyosot Drops or Lymphomyosot Tablets (Iymphatic diathesis).
- Reneel (vesical polyps / Urinary Bladder Polyps.)
- Phosphor-Homaccord (laryngeal polyps, hoarseness).
- Euphorbium compositum S for sinus affections, possibly as long-term therapy (8-10 drops 6 times daily).
- Euphorbium compositum-Nasal Spray S, several times daily.
Ampoule / Injection Therapy
- Hormeel S, Galium-Heel and Graphites-Homaccord alternating and mixed i.m., s.c., i.d., i.v.,
possibly also
- Lymphomyosot for Iymphatic diathesis.
- Sanguinaria-Injeel, Thuja-Injeel as alternating remedies i.m., s.c., i.d., i.v.
- Echinacea compositum, (possibly alternating with Traumeel S to stimulate the defensive system).
- Euphorbium compositum S injection solution (often acts specifically in cases of catarrh of the paranasal sinuses, particularly in chronic conditions).
- Coenzyme compositum, possibly also Ubichinon compositum as well as the collective pack of catalysts of the citric acid cycle (stimulation of disturbed enzyme functions),
at intervals also
- Mucosa compositum and Placenta compositum (action on the mucous membranes and improvement of the peripheral circulation),
otherwise also
- Vesica urinaria suis-Injeel (vesical polyps), Mucosa nasalis suis-Injeel (nasal polyps),
- Colon suis-Injeel (intestinal polyps) i.m.as well as the progressive auto- sanguis therapy with the preparations mentioned.
See also Menorrhagia and Uterine Polyps.
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