
Dr. Reckeweg R34 - Drops, 50ml (Recalcifying Drops)


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Indications: Exostosis, periostitis, fragility of the bones, osteomalacia, rickets and arthritis, as well as nucleus pulposus (complementary).

Dosage: Children to be given regularly: 10 - 15 drops in a little water, once or twice daily.

In cases of disorders such as rickets, or other diseases of the bones, in addition to vitamins which should already be being taken, add 10 - 15 drops of the product in a little water, 4 - 6 times daily before meals.

If suffering from pains in the bones at night, the product must be given in frequent doses of 10 - 15 drops every 15 minutes.

With teething problems in babies and young children, give 5 - 10 drops, 3 - 4 times daily.

For toothache, 8 - 15 drops every 10 minutes.

Ingredients: Calcium carbon. Hahnem. D30, Calcium fiuorat. D12, Calcium phosphoric. D12, Calcium hypophosphor. D6, Chamomilla D6, Hekla Lava D12, Mezereum D6, Mercur. praec. rubr. D12, Silicea D30, Ethanol, Aqua pur.

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