
Guna Defence - Granules


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Uses: Relieves minor symptoms of viral infections that may affect the upper respiratory tract, such as cough, sore throat, sneezing, cold sores, fever. Relieves minor symptoms of viral infections that may affect the intestinal tract such as diarrhea and fever.

Directions: 5 pellets, 3 times per day.

Package size: Net Wt. 8 g/0.28 oz. 2 Tubes


Active ingredients: Asclepias vincetoxicum 6X; Echinacea 2X; Echinacea purpurea 2X; Hepar sulphuris calcareum 10X; Hydrocotyle asiatica 4X; Phytolacca decandra 4X; Sulphur 10X; Thuja occidentalis 6X. Inactive ingredient: Sucrose.



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