
Leptandra Compositum - Drops


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Indications: Alcoholism, Anorexia, Fiabetes mellitus, liver damage and cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis. 

Stimulation of the endogenic defence system in epigastric syndrome, particularly in chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas or in acute attacks (e.g. after dietary indiscretions); physiosis (abdominal distension); congestion of the portal vein. 

Contraindications: Pregnancy and lactation. Side effects: None known. Interactions with other medication: None known.


Drops: In general, 10 drops 3 times daily. In acute disorders, initially 10 drops every 15 minutes, over a period lasting up to two hours. 

Composition: 100 g cont.: Leptandra D2, Quassia amara D3, Podophyllum peltatum D3, Arsenicum album D4, Carbo vegetabilis D10, Niccolum metallicum D10, Phosphorus D6 1g each. Contains 35 vol.-% alcohol.

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