Dr. Edward Bach was born on September 14th 1886 in Mosley, a village nearby Birmingham. A bright, thought, persistency, generosity, sensitivity and intuition are among his talents. He loves nature and is a free spirit. Edward Bach leaves his job at his father's foundry to dedicate himself to the study of medicine. He graduates at the University College Hospital in London in 1912.
Very soon he becomes a smart professional, nevertheless he develops a certain satisfaction for the therapeutic methods of his time because they are too much focused on a physical and mechanistic vision and pay gew attention to the character, behaviour and psycho-emotional aspects of the human being. Bach observes that individuals having similar personality and character tend to react in the same way to stressful situations.
His assignment as assistant bacteriologist at the University College Hospital at first and later as bacteriologist at the London Homeopathic Hospital, gives him the opportunity to identify 7 groups of intestinal bacteria relating to the 7 personality types. The appraisal for Dr. Bach's work results in more and more numerous people attending his praxis in Harley Street.
Nevertheless, he disregards his success and intends to carry on his research, as he is convinced that there must be vital and harmless principles in nature that are able to come to resonance with a condition of wellbeing. He finds these principles in the wildflowers growing in the Welsh countryside: he identifies the first three flowers (Impatients, Mimulus and Clematis) in 1930.
In the same year he understands by observing them, that dew drops hit by the sun, get impregnated with the essence of the plant on which they lay. Pricesley from this intuition he develops the Method of the Sun for the preparation of Mother Essences.
He dedicates himself to his research and to the publication of his discoveries, regardless of fame and economic return. He sells all his goods, he often offers his services for free and is content of worn-out clothes, sure that he will find in some way all that he needs, as this is what regularly happens. Later he discovers other flowers and in 1932 he completes the series of the first 12 Flowers that he will call "Healers".
Between 1933 and 1934 he identifies other 7 flowers that he calls "Helpers". Then he finds also the last 19 flowers that he declares to be more "Spirituals". Furthermore, as he has to prepare the Mother Essence of Cherry Plum, whose plant is woody and hard, at the beginning of the spring when the sun is still not particularly intense, he develops the Boiling Method.
He died in sleep on November 29th 1936 after having concluded his work whose beneficial effects we can still enjoy.
"We each have a divine mission in this world and our souls use our minds and bodies as instruments to do this work, so that when all three are working in unison the result is perfect health and perfect happiness." - Dr Edward Bach
"Disease is in essence the result of conflict between Soul and Mind and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort." - Dr Edward Bach