Guna Bach Flowers - Rock Water
Indications: Rock Water is the remedy for people who take self-repression and self-denial to extremes.
People in this state seek to perfect themselves in some way. They set themselves rules and targets and are strict and harsh with themselves when they feel they are falling short.
If they seek to influence others it is by example only. They tend not to criticise out loud, as a Beech person would, nor do they persuade (Vervain) or command (Vine).
The Rock Water remedy doesn’t stop us from having high ideals or from trying to meet them. It simply allows us to unbend. We are kinder to ourselves and not so dismissive of life’s softer pleasures.
Dr Bach’s description
Those who are very strict in their way of living; they deny themselves many of the joys and pleasures of life because they consider it might interfere with their work. They are hard masters to themselves. They wish to be well and strong and active, and will do anything which they believe will keep them so. They hope to be examples which will appeal to others who may then follow their ideas and be better as a result.
– The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies
4 drops directly in the mouth or on the lips, possibly diluted in a little water.
Understanding Dosages:
Dosages for this remedy are online, here: Dosages for Guna Bach Flower Remedies