These remedies will do a great deal of help towards helping all types of surgery and the recovery.
Guna Remedies for Pre / Post Op
Heel Remedies for Pre & Post Aesthetic / Reconstructive Surgery.
Oral Remedies
- Lymphomyosot Tablets Or Lymphomyosot Drops - If swelling to stimulate lymphatic Drainage
- Engystol Tablets - Immune Support Anti Viral
- Gripp Tablets - Immune Support Anti Bacterial
With these 2 formulations you can apply one at night and one in the morning or both at the same time.
Heel Ampoules
- Traumeel Ampoules - Anti-Inflammatory, Improves vasotonia, decreases Venous Stasis, Increases cellular respiration
More details go here:- 7 + Reasons to Use Traumeel Today
- Lymphomyosot Ampoules - for the Lymphatic System and to help with swelling and Oedema.
Dosage:- 1 - 2 ampoules over a period of 1 to 2/3 days pre-op then post op 1 ampoule everyday for 2 - 3 days then 1 ampoule every 3 days
- Engystol Ampoules - Immune Support / Anti Viral
- Gripp Ampoules - Immune Support / Anti Bacterial
In Addition
Dosage:- Ubichinon and Co Enzyme Compositum - 1 - 2 ampoules over a period of 1 to 3 days re-op then post op 1 ampoule every 2 - 3 days then 1 ampoule every 3 days
Citric Acid Cycle Pack - post op take all ampoules together sipped in a glass of water over a period of an 30 mins to 1 hour approximately
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